Javascript and IEEE754 Redux

Here's the logical evolution of the previously posted code. I wanted to handle single precision in addition to double precision, and did some extensive tidying. Sorry about the round-trips through strings - JavaScript bit operations are limited to 32 bits.

It now correctly handles all of the boundary values on this IEEE-754 reference page as far as possible.

Don't use this - see the code in Typed Array Polyfill instead
function toIEEE754(v, ebits, fbits) {

        var bias = (1 << (ebits - 1)) - 1;

        // Compute sign, exponent, fraction
        var s, e, f;
        if (isNaN(v)) {
            e = (1 << bias) - 1; f = 1; s = 0;
        else if (v === Infinity || v === -Infinity) {
            e = (1 << bias) - 1; f = 0; s = (v < 0) ? 1 : 0;
        else if (v === 0) {
            e = 0; f = 0; s = (1 / v === -Infinity) ? 1 : 0;
        else {
            s = v < 0;
            v = Math.abs(v);

            if (v >= Math.pow(2, 1 - bias)) {
                var ln = Math.min(Math.floor(Math.log(v) / Math.LN2), bias);
                e = ln + bias;
                f = v * Math.pow(2, fbits - ln) - Math.pow(2, fbits);
            else {
                e = 0;
                f = v / Math.pow(2, 1 - bias - fbits);
        // Pack sign, exponent, fraction
        var i, bits = [];
        for (i = fbits; i; i -= 1) { bits.push(f % 2 ? 1 : 0); f = Math.floor(f / 2); }
        for (i = ebits; i; i -= 1) { bits.push(e % 2 ? 1 : 0); e = Math.floor(e / 2); }
        bits.push(s ? 1 : 0);
        var str = bits.join('');
        // Bits to bytes
        var bytes = [];
        while (str.length) {
            bytes.push(parseInt(str.substring(0, 8), 2));
            str = str.substring(8);
        return bytes;

    function fromIEEE754(bytes, ebits, fbits) {

        // Bytes to bits
        var bits = [];
        for (var i = bytes.length; i; i -= 1) {
            var byte = bytes[i - 1];
            for (var j = 8; j; j -= 1) {
                bits.push(byte % 2 ? 1 : 0); byte = byte >> 1;
        var str = bits.join('');
        // Unpack sign, exponent, fraction
        var bias = (1 << (ebits - 1)) - 1;
        var s = parseInt(str.substring(0, 1), 2) ? -1 : 1;
        var e = parseInt(str.substring(1, 1 + ebits), 2);
        var f = parseInt(str.substring(1 + ebits), 2);
        // Produce number
        if (e === (1 << ebits) - 1) {
            return f !== 0 ? NaN : s * Infinity;
        else if (e > 0) {
            return s * Math.pow(2, e - bias) * (1 + f / Math.pow(2, fbits));
        else if (f !== 0) {
            return s * Math.pow(2, -(bias-1)) * (f / Math.pow(2, fbits));
        else {
            return s * 0;

    function fromIEEE754Double(b) { return fromIEEE754(b, 11, 52); }
    function   toIEEE754Double(v) { return   toIEEE754(v, 11, 52); }
    function fromIEEE754Single(b) { return fromIEEE754(b,  8, 23); }
    function   toIEEE754Single(v) { return   toIEEE754(v,  8, 23); }


  1. I'm building an MIT licensed packet parser for Node.js.

    I'd like to use this code, as is in the library. Could you please make it available under the MIT License? It would be a great help.

    I've subscribed to updates via email for this thread, so you can respond here, send me a message via GitHub, or email me at

  2. It's included in:

    ...which is part of an MIT-licensed package


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